Your home is your biggest investment. The maintenance of your house should be your top priority. Proper maintenance is necessary to withstand seasonal changes. Weather changes play a significant role in the way we need to maintain our home both inside and outside. If you choose to stick to the same maintenance routine irrespective of the weather changes, the home maintenance tips for winter results will be less than satisfactory.
Home maintenance at the change of seasons is important. This article is about home maintenance tips to give your property a seasonal tune-up this winter.
Moreover, you may overlook some crucial task which helps in maintaining the quality of your home in a season. Seasons changes act as a perfect reminder to do some maintenance work that can protect your investment. Home maintenance can be a daunting task, but you don’t have to feel overwhelmed.
When you witness the changing color of leaves, it’s a great indication that winter temperatures are on the way. Hence, before you put on your favorite winter clothes or sweater, there are some important home maintenance tips you need to address inside and outside of your home for easy maintenance in winter.
Table of Contents
Replace Batteries In Smoke Alarms & Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Your first and foremost duty is to replace batteries in smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors. It’s important to do at least twice a year.
Clean & Maintain Your Barbeque & AC Unit
You need to check and make sure that there is no grease or food residue left on the grill track. This helps your barbeque to last long and protect it from insects and small animals. Finally, you need to cover up your barbeque to protect it from dust and extreme temperature. If you have outdoor AC, you should cover it up.
Clean & Cover Your Outdoor Furniture

The first thing you need to do is to take some warm soapy water and wipe down all cushions and covers. Set them up to dry and pack them away for the winter. If you have wooden or metal furniture, clean or dust them with the help of a brush. Making it dust-free will help in increasing the life of your furniture. Finally, you should cover your outdoor furniture.
Hose Down & Store (Outdoor Mats)

If you have outdoor mats, hose them down. Let the mats dry and then roll them up to protect it from external weather.
Turn Off Water (Drain & Store Hose)
Don’t forget to turn off the water (drain and store hose). This may help in preventing your hose from freezing. Roll up the hose and pack it away.
Purge Your Fridge & Pantry For Maintaining Home In Winter
You may not realize but the sauce, dressings, fruit jam and other edibles have expiry dates. You need to check the expiry dates. If they expire, throw them away to clean your fridge from unwanted containers.
Do the same with your freezer cabinet. This is the best time to get rid of all those edibles, which you have frozen in the freezer with the intention of eating them later and never got to them.
Clean Your Windows

In the summer season, you keep your windows open most of the time. As a result, lots of dust particles come in. In the winter season, you prefer to keep your windows closed to prevent cold air from entering your rooms. You will like to keep the air inside your home as fresh as possible.
Your window blinds are dust traps. You can invest in a duster or use soapy cotton to wipe down each slide both top and bottom. Take a dryer sheet and rub each slide of the blinds. The properties of your dryer sheet help in repelling dust keeping them fresh, clean and maintained.
If you stand near the window in winter, you may physically feel the cool air coming in. You can use window shrink wrap. This insulating plastic easily adheres to your windows and helps in saving big bucks on those heating bills. When the warmer weather creeps back in, you can simply remove it.
Related Reading:
Clean Or Replace Your Furnace Filter

These days most of the furnaces have of filters. You should check them every month. You can wash them if you don’t want them to be replaced every three months.
The furnaces push in the air to your house, so, you need to be sure that the air is going to be clean. Not every furnace requires the same size of filters but if you look at the sides of your furnace, the size will be written there. Check yourself before you go to the store to replace it. If you are not sure of the size you can always use Filter King’s custom air filter tool.
Reduce The Temperature Of Your Water Heater

You should reduce the temperature of your water heater. This simple task will help you in reducing the water heating costs by up to 10%.
Clean & Prep Your Fireplace For Your Home Maintainance In Winter

This is really a dirty job. You need to use a set of good quality gloves before cleaning it. Take a wire brush to brush down all the dust and residues starting from the top. Next, take a vacuum to suck up all the remaining dust.
Final Thoughts For Home Maintainance In Winter
The best way to tackle your cleaning task quickly is to fix a day from your calendar and get it all done. You can do this much for your family to keep them healthy and hygienic this winter. The maintenance quality of your home ensures that you and your family are living in a safe and sanitary environment. It’s a perfect time now to follow the home maintenance tips to keep your dream home running like a well-oiled machine this winter.
Author’s Bio: The author believes that your home is your largest investment and its maintenance quality reflects the health and hygiene of your family. Weather plays a crucial role in the ways we are required to maintain our houses. His day job is to handle digital marketing for commercial cleaning services in Melbourne. In his free time, he utilizes his in-depth knowledge to write compelling articles on handy, seasonal home maintenance tips to guide and educate his readers.