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What is the Best Single Stage Snow Blower?
If you are looking for the best single-stage snow blower then, of course, you will start off by reading the single-stage snowblower reviews. That’s a good beginning, but you also have to make sure that you really understand why you are getting a single-stage, not a two or three-stage unit.
Then there are many other considerations that you need to have figured out before you can use those reviews to help make your decision. This brief guide will walk you through the process.
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What Is The Difference Between The Stages?
Let’s start with why you would want a single-stage snowblower over a three or two-stage snow blower. The simple answer is that two or three stages may be too powerful for your type of winter. That then begs the question of whether or not it is better to be over or underprepared.
There really is no such thing. With the exception of freak storms, winters in your region are fairly well defined. Either you get what is considered normal snowfall, or you get less.
Blizzards and other storms tend to occur in only certain regions so you don’t have to be prepared “just in case,” if you live in Georgia. Also, urban areas are less prone to massive snowfall that is not cleared by landlords or the city.
A single-stage blower is ideal for light, powdery snow that falls in 8 inches or less per storm. You don’t want a more powerful stage snowblower because the way they are designed to work could dig up your lawn or damage the blower against the pavement. You want the blower that matches your snowfall best.
If It’s For Light Snow Should I Just Shovel?
The best single stage snow blower often highlights how lightweight they are and are easy to use. Most of the single stage snow blower reviews also make reference to the fact that they are ideal for patios, walkways and small driveways with shallow and light snowfall.
So why not save money and just shovel? Contrary to popular belief, shoveling is just about the worst form of exercise you can do.
It is hard to keep good body mechanics, which means you are prone to lower back injury. It is also considered to be an intense cardio exercise in extreme conditions – this is why you have been hearing more and more about people having heart attacks while shoveling who are in basic good shape.
Shoveling snow is too stressful for the body. When you consider that getting a single stage snow blower is very affordable, why risk your health?
Should I Get Gas Or Electric?
The funny thing is that the best single stage snow blower can be either gas or electric. Electric models have increased in popularity because they are cleaner and quieter to run. Gas ones have their advantages, like functioning if the power is also out, but they are also good if you will be starting and stopping frequently.
If you can’t imagine why you would start and stop during the process think about walkways, steps and other places where you would only be using the snowblower for a few moments before having to move around something.
Many of the electric snow blower ones now include special features listed in the single-stage snow blower reviews that are designed to make working with an extension cord easy outdoors, so you don’t have to worry about tangling while clearing your driveway too.
As you can see, with the single-stage blower – gas or electric is more of a personal preference than a performance preference.
The Best Way To Decide
The best way to decide is to read as many of the single stage snow blower reviews as possible and match their features list against the list of features you want.
Pay attention to any complaints about the models and weigh whether the problems highlighted are real issues that could affect you. Often customers leave negative comments about things that don’t work the way they would prefer them to work, but it is wholly subjective criticism.
Once you match your list, look at your budget and you will be able to select which is best for you.